d2ML I Can Play Your Memory By Heart (Male vocals)
Benny Berry
Country - Classic, Authentic Vintage
d2ML I Can Play Your Memory By Heart (female vocals)
Marsha Britton
Country - Classic, Authentic Vintage
d2ML You re Walking And Talking In My Sleep Again (male vocals)
Tom Horner
Country - Classic, Authentic Vintage
d2ML You Got Away With My Heart
Tom Horner
Country - Classic, Authentic Vintage
d2ML I ve Got Faith
Tom Horner
Country - Classic, Authentic Vintage
d2ML If You So Much As Touch Me
Tom Horner
Country - Classic, Authentic Vintage
d2ML You re Walking And Talking In My Sleep Again (female vocals)
Marsha Britton
Country - Classic, Authentic Vintage
d2ML When I Slid Into Home Last Night, She Threw Me Out
Tom Horner
Country - Classic, Authentic Vintage
d2ML We Dont Know Any Better
Tom Horner
Country - Classic, Authentic Vintage
d2ML It Was Nice To Almost Know You
Tom Horner
Country - Classic, Authentic Vintage

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